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Ylöjärvi has a range of sports and exercise on offer. The city is surrounded by beautiful nature, which provides ample outdoor recreation opportunities, such as trips to Seitseminen National Park and Pikku-Ahvenisto near the centre. There are also numerous indoor exercise venues available.

The City of Ylöjärvi’s sports services organise instructed group activities and swimming lessons, and provide advice on exercise. The sports services are also in charge of the operations of the sports hall and swimming pool.

The Visit Ylöjärvi website(avautuu uuteen ikkunaan) contains more information about the outdoor exercise and daytrip opportunities.

Sports activities in Ylöjärvi

Skate Park: 1,500 square meter skate park full of things to do. Ulkoilijantie, 33470 Ylöjärvi

Ylöjärvi Indoor Swimming Pool and Sports Centre offers two 25-metre lanes, a cold plunge pool, children’s teaching and paddling pool, and a slide. There is also a gym and opportunities for indoor ball games. Opening hours of the sports hall and swimming pool. Address: Koulutie 6, 33470 Ylöjärvi,, p. +358 40 133 1482.

Ylöjärvenharju Esker, Ylöjärvenharju is an esker in the southern part of the town running in an east-west direction. The area has a ski trail in winter and a hiking trail in summer, not to forget bicyclists, for whom there are trails all-year-round. There is a total of 20 km of illuminated fitness routes, as well as unlit routes. Ylöjärvenharju can be reached from many directions.

Teivo Stairs and Outdoor Gym. Address: Velodromintie 2, 33420 Tampere.

Räikkä Cross-Country Skiing Trail. The cross-country skiing trail of Räikkä area will be snowed as soon as the weather is favorable. The length of the trail depends on the snow situation, the longest trail is about 1,6 kilometers. The free trail for all skiers is located behind Ylöjärvi Town Hall in Räikänpuisto. Address: Räikäntie, 33470 Ylöjärvi.

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