Social and health care services in Ylöjärvi are provided by the Wellbeing services county of Pirkanmaa.
Among others, the social and health care services include the following:
- appointments with nurses and doctors, as well as inpatient care at the health centre and hospitals
- emergency medical care (ambulances)
- dental care
- maternity and child health clinics
- mental health and substance abuse services
- rehabilitation
- social work
- child welfare
- housing services for the elderly
- home care
- services for the disabled
- school welfare officers and psychologists.
The Wellbeing services county of Pirkanmaa website(avautuu uuteen ikkunaan)
In case of emergency, call 112
There is only one emergency number in Finland, 112. Please do not call the emergency number unless you have a genuine emergency for which you need urgent assistance by the police, paramedics, firefighters or social services.
Trained ERC operators in six emergency response centres answer the emergency calls made in mainland Finland. Calls are answered with the words ‘Hätäkeskus, Nödcentralen’.
Please listen carefully to the operator’s instructions, and give short and clear answers to their questions.
How to use the emergency number in Finland?(avautuu uuteen ikkunaan)