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Services for jobseekers

Employment services will be transferred to municipalities on 1 January 2025.

If you are a job seeker, you can use the Job Market Finland E-service at or visit the service point at Rauhalantie 2, Ylöjärvi, monday to friday at 12–14 (or call to make an appointment 040 581 2210).

If you have already registered as a job seeker, your client relationship will continue as usual. You do not need to register as a job seeker again. You can continue seeking for employment and perform other agreed tasks as before.  

Your OMA coach’s contact details may change at the turn of the year 2025.

At the beginning of the year, some services and systems might be temporarily unavailable. However, these disruptions will not impact your employment security. 

For more information, visit the website of Tampere Region Employment Area.

The City of Tampere’s International Skills Centre (OSKE) provides multi-professional support to all foreign-language jobseekers who live in Tampere, and immigrants who live in Pirkanmaa and are undergoing their integration period.

OSKE offers help and guidance with work and studies. You can find more information about OSKE on the City of Tampere’s website. 

The City of Ylöjärvi’s employment services help unemployed jobseekers find work. You can contact them online via the TE Services/Job Market Finland, by sending email to or by calling 040 581 2210.

Extensive guides have been published at for companies and employees relocating to Finland from abroad.

The guides serve as a collection of all the key information in one location and steer users towards the right services at the right time.

Available jobs

The City of Ylöjärvi’s website contains a list of open positions with the City (in Finnish). 

Available jobs can also be found on the TE Services’ website, among other places.

General information about how to find work in Finland is available on InfoFinland’s website.

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