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Pre-primary education

Pre-primary education is part of early childhood education and care, and an important time in a child’s life. According to the Constitution of Finland, a child must take regular part in year-long pre-primary education, or other such activity that fulfils the objectives of pre-primary education, one year before they reach the compulsory education age.

Pre-primary education is provided for no less than 700 hours per academic year, and the daily instruction time is four hours. In Ylöjärvi, this education is provided at daycare centres and primary schools. In addition to pre-primary education, applications can be made for additional early childhood education and care to complement pre-primary education, if necessary, normally provided at the same location as the pre-primary education. The application period for pre-primary education takes place annually in January–February. The education is free, but a fee is charged for any early childhood education and care time used.

Pre-primary education is provided based on the core curriculum for pre-primary education created by the Finnish National Agency for Education. The City of Ylöjärvi’s pre-primary education curriculum, as well as the annual curricula of the pre-primary education units, are based on the national pre-primary education curriculum.

More information about pre-primary education in Finland:

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