Ylöjärvi offers several options for early childhood education and care. These include daycare centres, family daycare and open early childhood education and care providers. Alternatively, families can choose a private ECEC provider.
Early childhood education and care is provided based on Ylöjärvi’s ECEC curriculum. A personal ECEC plan is created for every child, stating the goals for a child’s growth, learning and care.
You can apply for ECEC via eVaka (in Finnish). Applications must be submitted four months before the intended start of care, but no earlier than six months before that date. Families’ preferences are taken into account where possible. You can find more information about the options and availability from our service guidance via email at varhaiskasvatuksenpalvelunohjaus@ylojarvi.fi.
Early childhood and education and care fees are time-based. In other words, the fees are calculated according to the monthly care hours that the guardians have requested, and these agreements are made for at least four calendar months at a time. The fees are charged monthly after each month. The size and overall income of a family affects the fee, and guardians must provide a notification if their income level changes.
During school breaks, the number of children in early childhood education and care is reduced and daycare centres cut back on their operations while the staff are taking their leave. However, ECEC is provided to all who require it.
The City has insured the children in daycare in case of accidents.
More information about early childhood education and care in Finland: